As a child, I had always wanted to be an electrical engineer. I loved the discipline and all the thrills that came with it. The first electrical device that I made out of scarp materials was a simple electric doorbell for my home. The first ring on it was so sweet and divine! I wrote 'PRESS' beneath the pushbutton so that no visitor can miss it!
The next project was a crystal radio set. It was assembled out of assorted materials including my mom’s favorite rolling pin that served as the core cylinder for the radio frequency tuner. My father got me a pair of headphones salvaged from an army depot. When I first heard the broadcast from the local Pune radio station, I jumped with joy. I felt proud to have achieved something great - like having won the nobel prize!
Eventually, my childhood dream took shape into reality. I graduated in electrical engineering from the then famous century-old College of Engineering in Pune. I was blessed to learn from the best of Gurus. Who can ever forget the teaching of Prof. Virkar who was the head of electrical engineering department?
My passion pursued into working for one of the largest electrical companies in India. Over the years, I was pushed up in the managerial ladder and one day I found myself completely out of electrical engineering. But then, my heart yearned for something that could sustain my curiosity into the unknown power – like electricity that you don’t see but it does wonders!
When I took a walk this morning, I heard the noise of geese from the sky. It was a flock of geese flying in beautiful symmetry like you see the air planes flying in formation at air shows. How wonderful is this creation!
I believe in the existence of a great unseen creator, and I think He is very intelligent. The complexity and beauty of His creations are just amazing. I like to probe into the unknown and share the excitement with other interested humans. In the process, I too have a great opportunity to get enlightened.

1 comment:
Very nice article.
Old reminiscences of my Kirkee days are still fresh in my mind. A curious errand boy helped you in your projects. Surely you will remember him.
Crystal radio produce rather weak sound and must be listened to with sensitive earphones.
I was thrilled to hear the amazing quality sound of the All India Radio Poona’s broadcast when your crystal set was connected to the borrowed earphone of your friend Parthasarathi. Great feeling …Project grand success.
Early I felt sad because the earphones Dad got for you had poor audiblity and was not suitable for the crystal set.
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