Thursday, July 04, 2013

Hobbies for Seniors # 2

The Hobby of Writing
Today (July 4) is American Independence Day. I am on vacation and write this from my hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada. It is a beautiful morning!

Is writing a hobby? Many are into the profession of writing but I still think it is a good hobby for seniors.
For me personally, the hobby started when as a kid. I enjoyed writing letters to penfriends. I had many friends around the globe but two of them are worth  mentioning here. One was Kouichi Adachi from Japan and the other was Lars Billquist from Sweden. I never ever dreamt that someday I will meet them and spend a few days with them in their homes. Surprisingly, all three got married in the same year and continued correspondence for over three decades.
Writing provides me personal pleasure and sometimes profits too! As an experiment, I wrote two E-books titled, “Anger Management- Lessons from the Ancient” and “Mantras and Management.” They were published by I earned some money through the sale of these books and still keep getting occasional royalties. It gives me a nice feeling!
What to write? Write anything of interest to you. Let your mind wander a bit. Join a yahoo group that interests you and write your views. Write to stay in touch with your friends and relatives, though many think making a phone call is easier. Write on matters related to religion, music, sports whatever your interests are. The comments from readers will make you think and you can expand your circle of friends.
One Mr. Gopalakrishnan, a retired telephone official, writes on the most uncommon topics that includes a bewildering variety of items ranging from household items like kitchen vessels and karandi to cooking and Hindu deities. His writings make very interesting reading.
Start a blog of your own. Put down your thoughts like in a diary. You can laugh at it sometime later.
Writing is a good pastime. Try it out yourself! 
Happy Independence day!

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