Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Art of Self-Management - 2

How do we improve managing ourselves? My thoughts follow in the form of suggestions:

Suggestion # 1 Manage Your Health

As the old adage goes - Health is Wealth! Diet and exercise play an important part in keeping ourselves healthy. We like to eat and drink many things especially from restaurants but not all of them are good for our body. It is rather unfortunate that we are now living in an age of all-round pollution. The air we breath is polluted, the water we drink is often polluted, and we have everywhere impure food, adulterated food, fast food and just plain junk food. With the mad rush to somehow make money, many people eat unhealthy food and neglect to take care of their health. To maintain good health, it is essential that we develop regular eating habits.

Impure water is the cause for most diseases. In my travels to various construction sites in India, I have often seen manual workers drinking warm ginger water from a kettle-even on very hot days! They do not drink cold sodas though it might be tempting to do so in sweating conditions.They work hard, eat simple inexpensive food, and rarely get sick. You can see how healthy their children are by looking at their gleaming eyes!

Balanced diet with pure water, regular exercise and positive thoughts are essential ingredients to a healthy body. If the body is fed well but the mind is ill fed, then, it is nothing but slow poisoning. The evils of the minds will spoil the body. Our education and religion offer great material and one has to make the best use of them to nurture both the mind and intellect.

What is good food and how does one choose it? It depends on your age, your constitution, the type of work you do, and what is available around you. For a soldier fighting a war, meat and more quantities of food may be necessary. In contrast, a white collared worker may be content with a plain sandwich or wheat chappatis and some fruits. Good food includes cereals, milk, rice and/or wheat, fruits and vegetables (preferably organic). Choose the food that suits your constitution/occupation, whets your appetite, and gives you an overall healthy feeling.

Eat at regular intervals in moderate quantities. Do not overeat! Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday. Spiritual food is equally important as it helps to develop positive thoughts and steady the mind. So, read or recite some religious material daily -it can be anything from doing Surya Namaskar (Sun worship) or Sandyavandhanam, reciting or listening to Vishnu Sahasranamam, or just performing simple meditation in a quiet corner of your home. Devote some time for spiritual development everyday. It helps you to feed your mind with pleasant thoughts thereby contributing to good health.

More suggestions to follow.

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